Go ahead Brie, Try!
Try and find your pencil case among the disater area that is your bedroom.
Try to find me among the garbage you'll have to pick up
before Saturday
because that's when we're entertaining.
What's entertaining with all the excuses?
or if there are none,
it doesn't stop me from finding my pencil case any quicker
and starting to study.
This is procrastinating.
Blogging is procrastinating.
I resolve that after today
I'll stop all the procrastination.
A New Year's resolution
that will last until the summer time at least
because I don't have school
until then.
Until then... where the hell is my pencil case?
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
Peanut butter jelly time
May God Bless you on this, your birthday, with all the
gaming action your little fingers can handle!
Right, now that that's out of the way - exams have made it impossible for me to post lately, which is sad, because I have a lot to say, about Walk the Line, about stupid useless Secret Santa, about Narnia, Rent, King Kongbos and so on and so forth, but, I'm just to darn tired... so I'll stick to that theme and tell all a bit about the dreams I've had lately. For some reason, exam season is a good time for me to remember dreams, probably because I'm not sleeping properly, normally I don't recall any of them, so here we go:
I dreamt I was going bald, I had very little hair, and it was really gross, because you could se emy scalp and it looked all old and dry and crusty. It was really nasty. I did some research and came up with the following tidbit of information:
"Losing Your Hair"
"To dream that you are losing your hair, denotes that you are concerned with the notion that you are getting older and losing your sex appeal/virility. You are preoccupied with aging and your appearance. Losing you hair also signify a lack of strength and that you do not possess the power to succeed in an undertaking. You may be feeling weak and vulnerable. "
Also, a couple nights ago, I dreamt that my mom and I were attacked, while we were driving in this minivan. We were attacked by these two kids who, looked familiar and I'm pretty sure it's because they used to be in cadets. It was really weird. I mean, we managed to get out, just because the human mind is capable of many things when it comes to manipulating one's dreams, but I did some MORE research and found out the following:
"To dream that you are being attacked by someone, signifies questions on your character and the need for you to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be faced with difficult changed in your waking life."
Weak... vulnerable...stressed... a Jedi knows not these things!
Although I'm still debating whether or not I buy into this Freudian dream interpretation malarky, it still seems to make a lot more sense sometimes...
Like, the sense that it would make for someone to buy a gift for their Secret Santa that that person would actually enjoy, for example, that seems to make sense. Doesn't it? I would think so. More updates to come about that.
In the meantime, I'm off now. Tomorrow is my Shift # 3 left @ my soul-sucking job and I'm going to need some rest so that I can make it through it.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Dreaming of less GST
. . . and I thought it was bad when I had some random dream about a parade for Tony Blair in Scotland. . .
WELL. . . things just got worse.
LAST NIGHT, I dreamt I met Stephen Harper somewheres in Alberta.
And he was a really nice guy, articulate, intelligent, chatty, polite. . .
. . . fun even!
And when I woke up from that dream, I thought to myself:
Oh shit...
And when I woke up from that dream, I thought to myself:
Oh shit...
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Some bizarre caffeine-induced dreams
I dreamt my landlady came into my bedroom, with a strange man in a pink dress shirt that was too small for him came, while I was sleeping, and starting picking apart how messy my apartment was. They left just as I was able to say: "Didn't you know that we decided to keep the apartment?" but they had walked away. The apartment was a lot longer than it really is, and a lost messier and as I followed them to the living room, they were just tearing everything apart. This dream made me hate my landlady even more than I already do. She's such an idiot.
A while ago, when I told her we were going to vacate the apartment, she told me I had to get my dad's permission (because he's the co-signer on the lease.) I was like.. dude, my dad's 8 HOURS away, he's not going to come all this way to sign... but before I could say anything, she was shut down by another lady who works in the office who was like: "No she doesn't. She can just leave a note, fill out the proper paperwork and that's it. She doesn't require the co-signer to do anything..." I was like, YEAH!! IN your FACE!!!
I also remember a time before we moved in, when we first met ths idiot landlady... we walked up to one of the buildings, so we could check out one of the bedrooms and decide if it we were interested in renting. I noticed the building was very near a street called "Ellendale" and being that my roomie was named Ellen, I was like.. "oooooooh, I know why you want to live HERE, Ellen..."
The stupid landlady interrupted and was like "this isn't on Ellendale, it's on Clearview." Or something completely stupid like that. What an idiot. Maybe this doesn' t make any sense to anyone, but I'm so tired from a night's worth of disturbed sleep due to the insane amounts of caffeine that was introduced into my system while at work last night. The stuff helped me write a big portion of my group project as well as a summary required for one of my classes today, but it didn't help with the whole sleeping thing.
Anyway, then I had a dream about two guys; one that I used to know and one that I'm currently angry at. It was weird to see these two people together, and I don't quite understand what it means in my head, but if I find anything out in books or websites about dream interpretation, I'll be sure to keep you all posted.
And now, off to another insanely busy day...
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Mom's plea for Zimbabwe
First: A message from Mom:
Since I don't really have time to read anything in the news lately, my mom wants me to pass the message on to everyone that the shit is hitting the fan over in Zimbabwe. She urges everyone (including myself) to visit Amnesty International's site http://www.amnesty.ca and do whatever's possible in helping to persuade the international community to get off its' ass and prevent yet another atrocity in Africa.
(She didn't use such colourful language, I should mention)
Here's a little bit of what's going down over there:
"Today in Zimbabwe, hundreds of thousands of people are internally displaced and destitute, not because of a war, an earthquake or a tsunami, but because their own government has forcibly evicted them, demolished their homes, and destroyed their property and their livelihoods. These acts, totally unjustifiable under international law, have been widely condemned. However, African States have remained conspicuously silent and have not demonstrated the political will to respond to the human rights crisis in Zimbabwe. "
On this note, I've finished my third essay about the Rwandan genocide tonight. And I can't help but think that, up until first year, I had no idea that violence of that magnitude had ever occured apart from during the Holocaust. Call me naive and uninformed, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that, they don't teach this stuff in history classes in high school. Maybe it was just my school, because people in Ottawa seem more informed about so many things "international." Maybe it's the proximity of the Parliament, where everyone goes to protest his or her grievances. Maybe it's the multicultural population. Regardless, someone should be passing this information down the school board so that kids can learn about these things and learn that they are wrong. And then, instead of ONLY teaching them things that happened over 50 years ago (I'm not saying we shouldn't study History, I think it's VERY important to study History so that it doesn't repeat itself...) they should probably receive lessons on the pertinent PRESENT happenings, and NOT ONLY those taking place in Canada, (like the Christmas, no February, no November, no January, no WHENEVER the stupid election's going to take place...) (Sidenote, did anyone see all the Westerners boo-ing Martin @ the football game tonight?)
Here's a SMALL exurp from my essay (actually, it's the concluding sentences)
"The prevention of violence implies a responsibility from the international community, who promised to “never again” allow for such grand-scale atrocities. Rwanda is but one of the failures of the international community to execute this principle."
*Note the double-entente with the word excecute. It's reaching. Not very obvious, but I think if I can make a connection someone else can too. (Hopefully that someone will be the prof)
Saturday, November 26, 2005
To move or not to move...
So it's settled then. . . no moving.
"Whhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" - you might be thinking
. . . but alas, 'tis true. Went down to the office to recall my termination of lease notice and I will now be stuck in Westboro for at least four more months, at least. Luckily they weren't angry, they didn't make me sign another year-long lease and they didn't make me sign away my soul or anything.
But there we go.
Stuck out here, at least a half hour away from anything worth doing in this city.
I recall a conversation I had with a work colleague a few days ago, went a little something like this:
Brie: "but nobody's going to want to come all the way out to Westboro to watch a movie!"
Colleague: " I went all the way to Westboro to watch a movie."
Brie: "Yeah... and then you were diagnosed with mono..."
In short, I'm pretty sure this place is cursed.
Otherwise more people would come visit this mess of an apartment I've been calling "home" for the past year... right?
Nah, people are just lazy and cheap to pay the 2 and change it costs to ride the bus.
(Rightly so.)
"Whhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" - you might be thinking
. . . but alas, 'tis true. Went down to the office to recall my termination of lease notice and I will now be stuck in Westboro for at least four more months, at least. Luckily they weren't angry, they didn't make me sign another year-long lease and they didn't make me sign away my soul or anything.
But there we go.
Stuck out here, at least a half hour away from anything worth doing in this city.
I recall a conversation I had with a work colleague a few days ago, went a little something like this:
Brie: "but nobody's going to want to come all the way out to Westboro to watch a movie!"
Colleague: " I went all the way to Westboro to watch a movie."
Brie: "Yeah... and then you were diagnosed with mono..."
In short, I'm pretty sure this place is cursed.
Otherwise more people would come visit this mess of an apartment I've been calling "home" for the past year... right?
Nah, people are just lazy and cheap to pay the 2 and change it costs to ride the bus.
(Rightly so.)
Monday, November 21, 2005
The Menu
Ok so there's:
a) the possibility of missing siblings at Christmas;
b) the homelessness come January;
c) the boyfriend moving 8 hours away;
d) the being stood up by "friends";
e) the profs putting you down when you aren't well enough to be in class;
f) the unfulfilling and soul-sucking job;
g) the fulfilling but underpaying job;
Let's see what's up next on the menu?
A punch in the face perhaps?
Being hit by a bus maybe?
Being trampled on by a hurd of wild and clawed baboons?
As JBJ lamely put it:
"When the world gets in my face,
I say:
a) the possibility of missing siblings at Christmas;
b) the homelessness come January;
c) the boyfriend moving 8 hours away;
d) the being stood up by "friends";
e) the profs putting you down when you aren't well enough to be in class;
f) the unfulfilling and soul-sucking job;
g) the fulfilling but underpaying job;
Let's see what's up next on the menu?
A punch in the face perhaps?
Being hit by a bus maybe?
Being trampled on by a hurd of wild and clawed baboons?
As JBJ lamely put it:
"When the world gets in my face,
I say:
Friday, November 18, 2005
What I say vs. what I mean
In my head, that conversation will always end differently than just:
No I did not ONLY want to be close to it all
because of the convenience;
but rather because of the sunshine
and the positive influence you could have on me.
No I did not ONLY want to be close to it all
because of the convenience;
but rather because of the sunshine
and the positive influence you could have on me.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Public Servant's Creed
'This is my stapler. There are many like it but this one is mine. My stapler is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my stapler is useless. Without my stapler I am useless. I must staple stuff with my stapler true. I must staple straighter than my co-workers, who are trying to staple better than me. I must staple him before he staples me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my staple and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of my enemy, we are the saviours of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.'
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Work Blog
I wish I could blog at work...
I already spend most of my time there either with my thumb up my ass or e-mailing people. (not simultaneously... I don't think I'm that coordinated... and it would take a long time to type with only one hand on the keyboard...)
Yeah. Blogging at work would rock!
... Just a thought....
I already spend most of my time there either with my thumb up my ass or e-mailing people. (not simultaneously... I don't think I'm that coordinated... and it would take a long time to type with only one hand on the keyboard...)
Yeah. Blogging at work would rock!
... Just a thought....
Sunday, November 13, 2005
It seems as soon as I get a moment to relax, a new pile of things to do piles up higher and higher until the idea of free time becomes a clouded memory of something I might have once done, back when I was in high school some time. Speaking of high school, I'm going to recount the events of last weekend and this week in a hope to get some things cleared up before starting up a new and an even MORE busy week. . .
Last Friday, Mike and I hit the road to head back to Niagara for the weekend. It was his friend's birthay, and not having gone home for Thanksgiving, we were well overdue for a trip down to the peninsula. Got stuck in traffic, of course, but still had a good drive. When we got home Blockbuster only had two of the 4 movies I wanted to rent (which is good, because I wouldn't have had time to watch the other 2.) Anyway, when I got home, received a call from a good ol' highschool pal and despite the fact that we never hang out as often as I think we should, we got together for a night out in Ste Catharines wild party scene. After a few drinks with some old pals and somehow ending up at the Grand Buffet at the Fallsview Casino, Saturday appeared with some sunshine...and a headache.
Here is a really REALLY terrible photo (because my stupid camera phone sucks) of les filles who took me out for a nice little homecoming!

Mike and I went to MTs for lunch on Sunday -- I'm beginning to think that's a mandatory stop when home. We tried to hit up Best Buy on the road back to Ottawa so that I could purchase Trekkies, but alas, no such luck. No bunnies at the Big Apple either. Shared pizza in Kingston. Got home, slept. Woke up for job interview. Got the job. At least that's good news. It wasn't the job in Parliament I was hoping to get, but this should still be a really great learning experience. Too bad I still don't have anywhere to live come January.
Class and work and class and work and class and work all week it seemed. Finally the weekend arrives, I wasn't able to attend the Remembrance Day ceremonies at the monument, but I'll be sure to go next year. Group Discussion made me realize that November's half over and I've still got a shitload of work to do. Will ALWAYS have a shitload of work to do.
Fight with the roomate about BBQ made me realize how badly I want out of Westboro, (and how I'd like to cut off his balls in his sleep) but again, no place to live come January. This was made official on Thursday. No living with the boss. Another plan/wish crushed.
Worked all weekend. I'll never look at Steve Martin the same after Shopgirl. Sorry Shannybear for having been so drunk and for babbling on and on at Darcy's Saturday night. Borderline still drunk for work on Sunday morning, but manage to get reading done and get to work on time. Grumpy at first, then giddy, then bored. Somethings you just can't have all to yourself right? Zathura (otherwise known as Jumangi 2) was good because of the company.
No longer able to think in complete sentences. Too much shit right now, not enough to deal with it all with a smile. Time to sleep, methinks.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Victory is Mine!
Well here it is... what I've been waiting for!! My letter of apology from the OC Transpo.
Ah, sweet redemption:
"Good day,
Thank you for your email. Please accept our apologies for the lateness
our response. We continue to experience a high volume of email
We, at OC Transpo, recognize that our passengers are the most important
of our business. Courtesy and safety to our customers are important
of our service.
We apologize for the way the operator handled this situation and we
understand how unpleasant it was for you. The operator could have asked
in a more polite manor.
Thanks you for bringing this to our attention.
Customer Relations"
Thank you Rebecca!!
(More posts to come about my trip back down to good ol' Niagara!)
Ah, sweet redemption:
"Good day,
Thank you for your email. Please accept our apologies for the lateness
our response. We continue to experience a high volume of email
We, at OC Transpo, recognize that our passengers are the most important
of our business. Courtesy and safety to our customers are important
of our service.
We apologize for the way the operator handled this situation and we
understand how unpleasant it was for you. The operator could have asked
in a more polite manor.
Thanks you for bringing this to our attention.
Customer Relations"
Thank you Rebecca!!
(More posts to come about my trip back down to good ol' Niagara!)
Monday, October 31, 2005
C'est l'Halloween - HEY!
Weird thing. Hangover didn't hit me today until really late in the evening after I had gone to one of the most useless Research classes I've had all year. I was pretty late too, as a matter of fact, owning to the fact that rush hour was mental today. Regardless, after dinner tonight, the effects from LAST night hit pretty hard. What could be good for an after Halloween-event hangover? You guessed it - HALLOWEEN candy! bah.
Anyway - I'm still pretty frustrated about the whole living arrangements thing. I mean, if someone tells you they have a room available come January, they should mean it. And if someone tells you that they intend to vacate the premises come January, they shouldn't have any second thoughts. So here I find myself free from one situation. Regardless, I'm moving out in January. But WHERE TO? Got to check out the location of where I COULD stay, providing the Joe living there now decides to get out and pursue his goal up North or something. Anyway, it was a good evening, but I'm not going to say much about it for a lot of reasons. All I can say is that Mike and I make a pretty impressive father-daughter combination in our Vadar-Leia getups. I didn't take any pictures, but a pal might be able to lend me a few when they become available. Again, for reasons beyond my control, I probably won't post most of them.
Still, back to the apartment situation. I guess what's getting me down is the fact that I thought it was a for SURE deal - now, it seems like a "maybe." And as much as I know there isn't much I can do about it at the moment, I just wish there was more enthusiasm, more of a desire for me to move to where I was supposed to be moving to. Especially in this situation. Gah. Stupid everything.
My mountain of homework is still hovering over me, I didn't get to see Rocky Horror again this year, but at least there was a party, at least there was drinking, amongst the company of Darth Vadar (obviously) a giant duck, Jay and Silent Bob, Xena and of course, Fox Mulder, Halloween this year has surpassed any of the previous years spent in Ottawa - yup, EVEN better than first year, when that twelve year old kid slapped me in the ass and asked me for my number.
Happy Halloween everybody! It's back to reading about Rwanda for me!
Anyway - I'm still pretty frustrated about the whole living arrangements thing. I mean, if someone tells you they have a room available come January, they should mean it. And if someone tells you that they intend to vacate the premises come January, they shouldn't have any second thoughts. So here I find myself free from one situation. Regardless, I'm moving out in January. But WHERE TO? Got to check out the location of where I COULD stay, providing the Joe living there now decides to get out and pursue his goal up North or something. Anyway, it was a good evening, but I'm not going to say much about it for a lot of reasons. All I can say is that Mike and I make a pretty impressive father-daughter combination in our Vadar-Leia getups. I didn't take any pictures, but a pal might be able to lend me a few when they become available. Again, for reasons beyond my control, I probably won't post most of them.
Still, back to the apartment situation. I guess what's getting me down is the fact that I thought it was a for SURE deal - now, it seems like a "maybe." And as much as I know there isn't much I can do about it at the moment, I just wish there was more enthusiasm, more of a desire for me to move to where I was supposed to be moving to. Especially in this situation. Gah. Stupid everything.
My mountain of homework is still hovering over me, I didn't get to see Rocky Horror again this year, but at least there was a party, at least there was drinking, amongst the company of Darth Vadar (obviously) a giant duck, Jay and Silent Bob, Xena and of course, Fox Mulder, Halloween this year has surpassed any of the previous years spent in Ottawa - yup, EVEN better than first year, when that twelve year old kid slapped me in the ass and asked me for my number.
Happy Halloween everybody! It's back to reading about Rwanda for me!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Murphy's Law : Plans
- If you make the perfect plan, something, if not EVERYTHING will necessarily go wrong.
So, what's the deal with nothing EVER going according to plan?
I've been living out here in Westboro, just over a year now. Too far away from everything, in my opinion, but a great location nonetheless, safe and quiet and all of that. But when the opportunity presented itself a) with one of the roomate's near-certain attitude about moving away come January and b) with the other roomate only intitiaully intending to stay on the lease for four months, I c) decided to arrange plans to move into a January-ready apartment downtown. Everything was swell. I wouldn't have to worry about finding a roomate last minute... ultimately...a stress-free situation.
... or so I thought...
Now it turns out that a) the roomate's not planning on moving out of Ottawa until March so he would find it very convenient if he could stay where we are at present, b) the other roomate's found a sweet job nearby and would probably rather stay here as well but c) I made plans to move downtown which, AREN'T certain because just recently, I found out that the room either won't be available, or that I'll have to find somewhere else with the friend I was intending to move in with. This might all sound a bit confusing, but let's sum it up by asking a simple question. Why not just STAY WHERE YOU ARE, Brie?! If it works out for the other two roomies. Why screw them out of a good situation? Well I'll tell you why... because I've ALREADY HANDED IN MY FREAKIN 60 DAYS NOTICE because ALL this horsesh*t was brought to my attention DIRECTLY after I handed the fucking thing in!
As Charlie Brown put it best:
It doesn't help that my mountain of homework is still hovering over my head - and that I've still got mental amounts of shifts both for the government and at the Evil Empire this week. I don't need extra moving fuss.
I don't want to be the freakin bad-guy in all of this! I don't want to ruin a good thing going on, a good rapport between friends and roomates. We had plans!!! Why do they ALWAYS fall apart??!!?!?!!
All of this is driving me to drink, let me tell you, which I will, let me tell you, tomorrow night, let me tell you, on Halloween, dressed up as Princess Leia Organa accompanied by my very own Darth Vadar, where hopefully, for a brief lapse in time, I won't be worried about or stressed out about all of this.
Bring on the candy corn and Rockets!! It's PUMPKIN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, what's the deal with nothing EVER going according to plan?
I've been living out here in Westboro, just over a year now. Too far away from everything, in my opinion, but a great location nonetheless, safe and quiet and all of that. But when the opportunity presented itself a) with one of the roomate's near-certain attitude about moving away come January and b) with the other roomate only intitiaully intending to stay on the lease for four months, I c) decided to arrange plans to move into a January-ready apartment downtown. Everything was swell. I wouldn't have to worry about finding a roomate last minute... ultimately...a stress-free situation.
... or so I thought...
Now it turns out that a) the roomate's not planning on moving out of Ottawa until March so he would find it very convenient if he could stay where we are at present, b) the other roomate's found a sweet job nearby and would probably rather stay here as well but c) I made plans to move downtown which, AREN'T certain because just recently, I found out that the room either won't be available, or that I'll have to find somewhere else with the friend I was intending to move in with. This might all sound a bit confusing, but let's sum it up by asking a simple question. Why not just STAY WHERE YOU ARE, Brie?! If it works out for the other two roomies. Why screw them out of a good situation? Well I'll tell you why... because I've ALREADY HANDED IN MY FREAKIN 60 DAYS NOTICE because ALL this horsesh*t was brought to my attention DIRECTLY after I handed the fucking thing in!
As Charlie Brown put it best:
It doesn't help that my mountain of homework is still hovering over my head - and that I've still got mental amounts of shifts both for the government and at the Evil Empire this week. I don't need extra moving fuss.
I don't want to be the freakin bad-guy in all of this! I don't want to ruin a good thing going on, a good rapport between friends and roomates. We had plans!!! Why do they ALWAYS fall apart??!!?!?!!
All of this is driving me to drink, let me tell you, which I will, let me tell you, tomorrow night, let me tell you, on Halloween, dressed up as Princess Leia Organa accompanied by my very own Darth Vadar, where hopefully, for a brief lapse in time, I won't be worried about or stressed out about all of this.
Bring on the candy corn and Rockets!! It's PUMPKIN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 24, 2005
Seven Long Years Come to an End
Just a quick little message to let you all know that the Voyager crew all made it back to Earth, safe and sound!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Choke and die BUSDRIVER!
Take a look at the formal complaint I sent to OC Transpo today. Hopefully I'll be able to post their response in the near future:
"Travelling on the bus, I was most offended and publicly humiliated by one of your conductors. He was a younger driver, with light brown hair, the most disrespectful individual I've ever encountered working for OC Transpo. Up until this point I have been most satisfied with the conductors. This one in particular, however, was not the model depiction of one of your employees.
For comfort reasons, as I have been experiencing pains in my back lately, I placed my feet on the end of the seat facing me, in the centre part of the bus. Ensuring that I was not blocking the way for other customers, and knowing that I would not be making anybody's journey uncomfortable as there was much room available on the bus.
At which point, a most condescending yell from the bus driver shouted: "Get your feet of the seat!" in a very rude and condescending tone. At which point I complied. I did not feel that my actions deserved such unkind treatment and as I was getting off the bus at a near stop, I confronted the driver. I politely suggested that it would have been much more commendable for him to have asked politely, or at least had added a "please" to his barking orders. The driver retorted, again, very rudely, that if I don't put my feet up on furniture at home, I shouldn't do it on the bus. At which point the doors were rudely shut in my face and the driver drove off.
Though his argument is completely valid, I do not feel that his speaking down to me as if I were a child is the proper way to treat a person who has made a considerable investment in purchasing bus passes for the company as well as abided by the regulations.
As a PAYING customer of this transportation service, I do not appreciate being spoken down to by a conductor. He was unnecessarily rude and I am MOST offended and I would very much like a formal apology for the way I was treated this afternoon."
Yours sincerely,
The bitch who'd like to put that asshole driver out on the street.
(I added that last little part)
"Travelling on the bus, I was most offended and publicly humiliated by one of your conductors. He was a younger driver, with light brown hair, the most disrespectful individual I've ever encountered working for OC Transpo. Up until this point I have been most satisfied with the conductors. This one in particular, however, was not the model depiction of one of your employees.
For comfort reasons, as I have been experiencing pains in my back lately, I placed my feet on the end of the seat facing me, in the centre part of the bus. Ensuring that I was not blocking the way for other customers, and knowing that I would not be making anybody's journey uncomfortable as there was much room available on the bus.
At which point, a most condescending yell from the bus driver shouted: "Get your feet of the seat!" in a very rude and condescending tone. At which point I complied. I did not feel that my actions deserved such unkind treatment and as I was getting off the bus at a near stop, I confronted the driver. I politely suggested that it would have been much more commendable for him to have asked politely, or at least had added a "please" to his barking orders. The driver retorted, again, very rudely, that if I don't put my feet up on furniture at home, I shouldn't do it on the bus. At which point the doors were rudely shut in my face and the driver drove off.
Though his argument is completely valid, I do not feel that his speaking down to me as if I were a child is the proper way to treat a person who has made a considerable investment in purchasing bus passes for the company as well as abided by the regulations.
As a PAYING customer of this transportation service, I do not appreciate being spoken down to by a conductor. He was unnecessarily rude and I am MOST offended and I would very much like a formal apology for the way I was treated this afternoon."
Yours sincerely,
The bitch who'd like to put that asshole driver out on the street.
(I added that last little part)
Saturday, October 22, 2005

I know the idea of going to a banquet for one's government agency softball team doesn't sound like the ultimate way of spending a Friday night, but after food and drinks at Local Heroes, a couple more drinks at the banquet, TERRIBLE 90s dance music, druken karaoke and a little touch of Bon Jovi, things turned out pretty darn good!
Oh, AND it helps if you win a free drink, a door prize (bottle of Sourpuss, which I shared with my teammates in a communal shot,) and winning the MVP trophy!
All in all, good times were had by all!!
The banquet was exceptionally refreshing as it had followed up a most formidably productive group work activity on my day off, cramped in a little study room of Ottawa U's Library. Not the best way to spend a Friday afternoon, but I suppose it helped us get some work done. Work that we're generally not able to complete in our super good research class because, well, nothing much CAN be done sitting around trying to decipher between what the prof is saying, and what the hell you're supposed to be doing. But I digress...
The effort of studying political science is having a serious impact on my sleeping pattern. Just the other night, I had a dream that a former friend of mine from grade school cut off his head in an effort to rebel, or something, against the government. So there he is, or at least, there his head is, in the toilet stall next to mine. And I get to thinking, you know, all this studying of political violence and last night's PoliThought class about the French Revolution MIGHT be a little too much for ya! That might in fact be the case considering the next dream I had, I had moved to England and was seconds away from being hit by an RAF warplane that was about to crash into the building I was in, where, for some inexplicable reason, a choir of little children were singing Christmas carols...
Wow, I seriously need to see a dream interpreter or something.
Maybe a psychoanalyst would be a better idea.
Can I say a little something here, a little sidenote, about pants? I think I will. Let me tell you a little something about pants. I spent an HOUR AND A HALF at the Rideau the other day, trying to find an outfit, seeing as how the government finally took me off their little string and decided to give me what was comin' to me! Anyway, all this time passes, and I manage to ONLY pick up a pair of pants within the last 10 minutes of my little excursion. Why? Because for some reason, the fashion industry makes clothing for ladies without thighs. Unfortunately, I am not one of those ladies. So sue me if I'd like to get a pair of pants that fits simultaneously around my waist AND my things without having to compensate by either getting the baggy waist with the puffy crotch because they're too big OR the too-tight-thigh-look, you know, the look where if you take one step out of line your legs might burst out at the seems? ANYWAY. Thank you Roots for the sweet pair of pants you sold to me. And to everyone else, Bite me.
***********END TRANSMISSION***********************
Sunday, October 16, 2005
All I know, I learned from Star Trek Voyager

The past week has found Ottawa under a gloomy, overcast sky, with nothing to look forward to, except -40' weather. But, I have left the clouds behind, floated on into space, and got lost out in the Delta quadrant with the cast of Voyager. I know, I'm lame, but I'm up to season 7. They're so close to getting back home, I can TASTE it! I find myself daydreaming in my poli-sci classes, thinking up crazy adventures for the crew as they take their final episodes back to Earth. Yes, I confess, I like Star Trek. But, "well, I don't like Deep Space Nine!"
On the subject of poli-sci classes, I'm facing a pretty hefty decision as to whether or not I should continue with the french program, or leave all that heritage behind and switch over to the English program. At least there I won't feel like a big target, with a sign tagged onto my back that says: "I've never seen Les Boys" on it. I guess I've always felt relatively left out from the francophone group as I, well, rarely speak french in any of my classes, or anywhere else for that matter, but this all forced itself upon me recently in my political sociology class. I was meant to make a presentation about this text that I read, which I firstly, didn't completely grasp, and secondly, didn't fully understand. Regardless, I stumbled through the entire thing and felt like a prize ass. Maybe if I didn't feel as if I was being judged for having let down the spirit of a nation or something, I would be a bit more comfortable in these situations and I'd embrace my french canadian heritage. This would all be made MUCH easier if we could have unviersal translators - then nobody would judge anybody on account of their terrible southern Ontario accents, and everyone would get along smashingly.
Speaking of universal translators. . . Capt. Janeway's waiting for me on Mike's portable DVD player. . .
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Just me and the toenails
You know it's going to be a good day when you're forced to sit on a crowded OC Transpo bus next to the guy horking up lung phleom for the entire duration of your bus ride. Or even better, when you sit down to breakfast first thing in the morning, set your bowl of cereal down on the table to find your roomates finger nail clippings right there next to your Corn Pops. Yes it was a dreary day to day in Ottawa right from the get-go. And tonight, I come home to an empty apartment, everyone gone to their family's big turkey dinners, and I'm here, alone, with a bunch of disgusting nail clippings on my table.
It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't decided to switch my Wednesday shift at the Revenue Agency to come into work today. But that's what happens when you have to study for a test in which your main fear is that you won't understand the wording of the professor's questions because, despite her being a fully qualified political scientist, hasn't quite mastered the language in which she is teaching. I'm paying for an education here. I would think that I would AT LEAST get a professor who can speak my language. Apparently that is too much to ask.
A bunch of drunken moronic Carleton students (or so I'm to assume) came to the theater tonight to cause shit in Corpse Bride. (Yes, Corpse Bride, not Corpse's Bride, or Corpses Bride, there is only one bride, and she is a corpse. Anybody who can't read it, should probably not be going to see it in the first place. Idiots.) Anyway, so these morons come to see Tim Burton at his finest just to get completely trashed and as I stand there trying to figure out the way these morons' brains function, I get to thinking... Maybe that's what I'm missing in MY life. Maybe all I need is a little bit of excitement, a little bit of going to a movie theater to get wasted when there's a pretty freakin decent bar scene not two minutes away. Maybe that's what it means to be really cool. And then I get to thinking futher... Man... I hope my boss brings in the last season of Voyager tomorrow so I can finish it and find out whether or not they make it back to Earth.
Well...at least I know I have my priorities straight.
I was hoping to get a whole shitload of work done this weekend, reading, writing, cleaning the nails off my table, and all that, but I pretty much screwed myself over backwards by asking to take on a couple more shifts at the Evil Empire this weekend. Wallace and Gromit just came out and what with the Holiday, it's going to be packed with children begging their parents for more pop, "MOMMY I WANT CANDY," "no honey, candy is bad for you, why don't you listen to mommy and just drink some water?" "SPARE ME THE MUMBO-JUMBO BITCH AND JUST GET ME SOME F*%$&ING CANDY," "of course dear, anything you say." Spoiled freakin brats. When I was young, I was lucky if I get a kernel of popcorn and taffy pull. In all honestly, I'm not sure what a taffy pull is. Nor do I know the difference between toffee and taffy. Maybe someone can help me out with this.
Oh well, I'm sure the weekend won't be all bad. At least I'll be able to find out what happens after Janeway's assimilation. . .
It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't decided to switch my Wednesday shift at the Revenue Agency to come into work today. But that's what happens when you have to study for a test in which your main fear is that you won't understand the wording of the professor's questions because, despite her being a fully qualified political scientist, hasn't quite mastered the language in which she is teaching. I'm paying for an education here. I would think that I would AT LEAST get a professor who can speak my language. Apparently that is too much to ask.
A bunch of drunken moronic Carleton students (or so I'm to assume) came to the theater tonight to cause shit in Corpse Bride. (Yes, Corpse Bride, not Corpse's Bride, or Corpses Bride, there is only one bride, and she is a corpse. Anybody who can't read it, should probably not be going to see it in the first place. Idiots.) Anyway, so these morons come to see Tim Burton at his finest just to get completely trashed and as I stand there trying to figure out the way these morons' brains function, I get to thinking... Maybe that's what I'm missing in MY life. Maybe all I need is a little bit of excitement, a little bit of going to a movie theater to get wasted when there's a pretty freakin decent bar scene not two minutes away. Maybe that's what it means to be really cool. And then I get to thinking futher... Man... I hope my boss brings in the last season of Voyager tomorrow so I can finish it and find out whether or not they make it back to Earth.
Well...at least I know I have my priorities straight.
I was hoping to get a whole shitload of work done this weekend, reading, writing, cleaning the nails off my table, and all that, but I pretty much screwed myself over backwards by asking to take on a couple more shifts at the Evil Empire this weekend. Wallace and Gromit just came out and what with the Holiday, it's going to be packed with children begging their parents for more pop, "MOMMY I WANT CANDY," "no honey, candy is bad for you, why don't you listen to mommy and just drink some water?" "SPARE ME THE MUMBO-JUMBO BITCH AND JUST GET ME SOME F*%$&ING CANDY," "of course dear, anything you say." Spoiled freakin brats. When I was young, I was lucky if I get a kernel of popcorn and taffy pull. In all honestly, I'm not sure what a taffy pull is. Nor do I know the difference between toffee and taffy. Maybe someone can help me out with this.
Oh well, I'm sure the weekend won't be all bad. At least I'll be able to find out what happens after Janeway's assimilation. . .
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Good day eh!!?!?!
After many (MANY) years of surveys, I've decided, as many people in the world have, that blogging might be a slightly more effective means of conveying the events of life, the typical random sillyness and numerous complaints that tend to fill up my surveys. No need to worry, however, I'll very likely complete more surveys in the future, but now, I'm moved on, to a bigger and better thing: THE BLOG!!!!! I figure about as many people will be reading the blog as generally read my surveys, so I'm probably pretty safe to assume that this will be more like a personal journal or even a diary.
Whatever the case, let's see how this thing progresses. Any questions and comments can be addressed to myself, of course!
Thanks for dropping by!
After many (MANY) years of surveys, I've decided, as many people in the world have, that blogging might be a slightly more effective means of conveying the events of life, the typical random sillyness and numerous complaints that tend to fill up my surveys. No need to worry, however, I'll very likely complete more surveys in the future, but now, I'm moved on, to a bigger and better thing: THE BLOG!!!!! I figure about as many people will be reading the blog as generally read my surveys, so I'm probably pretty safe to assume that this will be more like a personal journal or even a diary.
Whatever the case, let's see how this thing progresses. Any questions and comments can be addressed to myself, of course!
Thanks for dropping by!
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