Sunday, March 26, 2006

Short sentences make for good blogging.

  • Wish I had more time to blog.. Let's make things quick... I'm tired after a long day's work.
  • I fucking love Garden State. If I had time, I would just watch it over and over again every day.
  • I'm glad Shannon's in Montreal tonight, because it must be a really great place for a Leafs' fan after tonight's game. GO HABS GO!!
  • Didn't get manager job like I thought wouldn't happen, but... it's still a possibility for the near future.
  • Pool day with co-workers was pretty sweet. 40 something year-old drunken women make me laugh.
  • Moving next weekend. All help will be welcomed and rewarded.
  • V for Vendetta = AWESOME. Everyone should see it.
  • Dried papaya is hard to come by.
  • Weather today was great.
  • Packing's a bitch.
  • And now my bed's calling me

Friday, March 10, 2006

OCTranspo Zoo

I hate the bus.
Tonight, riding home, there were these two middle-aged couples on the bus, looking at all us young people like we were animals in a zoo.
"How fascinating, these poor creatures taking public transit. It must be horrific not being able to drive around in a Mercedes SUV like we do usually, but it's Friday, and we wanted to go out and paint the town red at our lively polka-night bar, drink two drinks and try to re-live our youth. Then when we're too tipsy to drive our expensive car home, we'll take the .. what do you call it? oh yes, the home and stare at the creatures on it, as if they were from another planet. How nifty!"
God, what a week! As it turns out, I will in fact, be seeing Coldplay on St. Patrick's Day as originally planned. There was the possibility that I might go to Moncton with work that weekend, but instead, they asked my supervisor (who hadn't even asked to go) to take the trip instead. I mean, I'm not pissed, cuz it turns out I get to go to Coldplay, but it's good to know the real worth of an eager co-op student in the public service.
Also, I found out I can't go to Dina's bridal shower, which makes me feel like shit because I feel I should be part of all these plans and I should definitely be in attendance, but at the same time, it kindof makes me sad to know that everyone will be able to attend this except myself, and I can't help but feel a bit left out that there wasn't a time that could have accomodated everyone involved, including myself, like... on a weekend.. or at least a Friday, but I don't make the plans, so I get to sit here in Ottawa and think about the fun all the ladies together are having giving Dina fun household appliances and naugthy underpants and the likes...
I've had a stiff neck all day, making it physically impossible to turn my head past a certain point, which is incredibly inconvenient. It really fees stressed when I'm at the computer, so I'll probably keep this short. Besides, I have to be getting to bed because I intend to spend all day writing my essay about Hobbes, Lenin and the State tomorrow. Hopefully I won't get called into the theatre, where we now offer fresh vegetables in a dish as a combo... because that's what every person craves at a movie theater... broccoli...
Man, everything's just too ridiculous.
I feel like banging my head against hard objects to see if it helps make sense of anything..
... but it never does...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Oh Oscar, you never fail to disappoint...

Just a quick post, because I feel like I've been left high and dry by a man called Oscar.
I mean Crash?? Seriously? It was okay . . but I didn't even think it was nomination-worthy...
I'm fine with EVERYTHING else that happened, (way to go Reese, Rachel, Phillip & George,) I even dealt with the mediocrity of John Stewart's performance and the idiocy of Ben Stiller's appearance because I figured maybe this year, they might get it right. (and hey, even Zach Braff was there... granted he took the form of a computer-animated chicken, but still...)
But Crash?
Come on, I mean, you saw that movie right?
I knew the "Academy" and the country from which it stems wasn't ready for gay cowboys...

Friday, March 03, 2006

My Friday night with barfy...

I always get into these moods during the day, when I think of something that would be amazing to put down in the blog, but then, by the end of the evening I'm so damn tired from working all day, or putting together a bookcase by myself, or freezing my ass off in the disgusting cold weather, or hanging out at a dingy bar with my drunk boyfriend and his drunken co-worers, that all these ideas just become forgotten bubbles floating around in my subconscious.
I'm hoping to spend all morning tomorrow in bed. Mike's leaving for four days, so that means I get the apartment to myself for the first time in probably two years for over one night. This is pretty exciting for me, but I'm sure it'll take me that long to clean this place up, so, at least I won't be bored or anything.
A good week, all in all. Started out at the NAC watching Scott and the OSO play beautiful music (Note to self Brie, think before you speak!) Tuesday was class, which I'm SO sick of, by now. Year-long classes are the WORST! Worked a double on Ash Wednesday and checked out St.Patrick's basilica in between. Place was crowded, and I was priviledged enough to sit next to the loudest moronic children in the place, but it's church right? So we gotta be nice to the useless young idiots, I guess...
Anyway, Mike's got me watching American Idol, but it won't last because I'm already bored by it. The only advantage is that it gives me something to talk about at work the next. That's not enough to keep me watching though.
Damn cable went out mid-Scrubs last week. I very nearly through the cable box out the window in a fit of rage... Mmmmmmmmm JD's doughy physique.... GAWD I love that show!!
And because this post has become random babbles, I urge everyone to listen to Alice Cooper's radio show because it's hillariously rock-tastic
Ooop... sounds like Mike's up barfing again.. I better tend to him. (Get me outta here!!!)
(What's with bosses??)