May God Bless you on this, your birthday, with all the
gaming action your little fingers can handle!
Right, now that that's out of the way - exams have made it impossible for me to post lately, which is sad, because I have a lot to say, about Walk the Line, about stupid useless Secret Santa, about Narnia, Rent, King Kongbos and so on and so forth, but, I'm just to darn tired... so I'll stick to that theme and tell all a bit about the dreams I've had lately. For some reason, exam season is a good time for me to remember dreams, probably because I'm not sleeping properly, normally I don't recall any of them, so here we go:
I dreamt I was going bald, I had very little hair, and it was really gross, because you could se emy scalp and it looked all old and dry and crusty. It was really nasty. I did some research and came up with the following tidbit of information:
"Losing Your Hair"
"To dream that you are losing your hair, denotes that you are concerned with the notion that you are getting older and losing your sex appeal/virility. You are preoccupied with aging and your appearance. Losing you hair also signify a lack of strength and that you do not possess the power to succeed in an undertaking. You may be feeling weak and vulnerable. "
Also, a couple nights ago, I dreamt that my mom and I were attacked, while we were driving in this minivan. We were attacked by these two kids who, looked familiar and I'm pretty sure it's because they used to be in cadets. It was really weird. I mean, we managed to get out, just because the human mind is capable of many things when it comes to manipulating one's dreams, but I did some MORE research and found out the following:
"To dream that you are being attacked by someone, signifies questions on your character and the need for you to defend yourself. You are feeling stressed, vulnerable and helpless. You may also be faced with difficult changed in your waking life."
Weak... vulnerable...stressed... a Jedi knows not these things!
Although I'm still debating whether or not I buy into this Freudian dream interpretation malarky, it still seems to make a lot more sense sometimes...
Like, the sense that it would make for someone to buy a gift for their Secret Santa that that person would actually enjoy, for example, that seems to make sense. Doesn't it? I would think so. More updates to come about that.
In the meantime, I'm off now. Tomorrow is my Shift # 3 left @ my soul-sucking job and I'm going to need some rest so that I can make it through it.
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