Thursday, May 04, 2006


So, I guess I haven't posted anything here in a while, and it's probably because I feel like nobody's reading it, because I am getting so little comments. It's funny how people always tell you they want to stay in touch, but when you provide them with the means, like, say, MSN, or a blog... you see that what people say doesn't mean squat.
But I'm not hear to write to those who aren't trying to keep in touch. I'm here to write for me, and if any one at all can stand to read it, then, well, then that's a good thing right?! Right.
I won't write much because I have to get up early-ish for class tomorrow. Summer school would be awesome if I didn't have to work in between, which I don't have to do for the next week, however.. when it does start up again, I'm sure I'll be much more stressed out than I am now. Not having to work is great. I kindof forgot how it feels to just sleep in or to spend an evening catching up on some quality tv or not-so-quality movies until way into the wee-early hours of the night. Bah well, I'll soak it up while it lasts.
Speaking of the wee-hours-of the night and not-so quality movies... we're having a screening at el theatro for Mission Impossible III. I can't freakin stand Tom Cruise, but it should be good times with the theatre folk, including some of the newbies that I so rarely work with... I'll post about what happens and spoil the ending for all those who actually want to see it, as I'll be seeing it a day before it's actual release. Ah, popcorn-bitch priviledges are grand.
Baseball scrimmaging begins this weekend... but I hear it's supposed to rain, so I guess we'll be practising our after-the-game drinking techniques if our scrimmage gets rained out. Either way, should be good times!
Season 3 of Scrubs comes out soon, and Series 2 of Little Britain... Man, this tv on dvd is addictive. The roomate left the X-Files, Season 1 out.. and I've been watching it like mad!! Even though I used to watch it religiously when it aired originally, I'm hooked on it as if I was back in grade school, spending Friday nights in, alone in the basement, becoming acquainted with paranormal phenomenon and government conspiracies and all that good stuff... Maybe I'm regressing...
that's probably a sign of work-related stress...
I'm going to bed.

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