Friday, May 05, 2006


Why do people, that haven't spoken to you or e-mailed you in ages, only try to communicate with you, by means of mass e-mail, when they're bragging about something?
I mean, it's great that you're having the most amazing time of your life, but...
why can't I ever get a mass e-mail saying:
"Man, the other night I got so drunk that somehow I ended up at this woman's house who drugged me and beat the shit out of me. When I woke up, I was in the drunk tank and my wallet and car keys were missing. It was the worst day of my life...
Oh, and by the way, I hope you're all having a wonderful summer and that everything is going well for each and every one of you (even though I probably can't remember half of your names.)"
All I'm saying is that, it's great that you're all having a good time, but what would be even better than sending an impersonal mass e-mail about it, is taking the time to at least acknowledge the individual's existence on occasions that aren't worthy of bragging rights.

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