Monday, June 12, 2006

So close, yet...

End of first summer semester is on Thursday. To celebrate, me n' the roomie have plans to go to La Ronde, in Montreal.

Here's what stands in the way between now and our trip on Saturday:

Today: Finish writing an essay, go to class, get a little something for Mike's mum's birthday, buy printer paper, have essay edited by wonderful parental units, make necessary changes, print essay.

Tuesday: Class, 10-1 (Hand in essay before 1pm or 5% is taken off) Work: 1:30 - 6:30. Also, must try to get some reading done for exams on Thursday. Also, cannot forget that ranking process for CO-OP job starts at noon on Tuesday.

Wednesday: Work: 9-2. Class: 2:30 - 5:30. (IF haven't ranked CO-OP jobs by now, am pretty much screwed) . . . Afterwards: Study ass off because

Thursday: EXAM # 1 @ 8:30 and EXAM # 2 @ 1 pm. Followed by a baseball game and some Much needed Local Heroes afterwards.

Friday: Make-up shift for what I'm missing @ FCAC on Thursday because of writing 2 freakin' exams in one day. Also, will likely have a shift at the theatre on Friday as well.

Then comes Saturday and good ol' Montreal... I wish I had more than one weekend to enjoy the time off, but alas, second semester starts next Monday... SO:

All this to say that... those roller coasters better be worth it, cuz I'm in need of some summer - this week is going to drive me MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD.


Anonymous said...

Yikes sorry I'm late, hope the exams went well. Eww two in one day that sucks worse then the time Mom took away my Nintendo privileges for a month. That was harsh, and I paid for that fargin Nintendo! But enough about me this is your blog, so enjoy and be free, until Monday. Then summer school owns your bum again. ha ha!
(a la Comic Book guy)

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys had fun yesterday, hope exams weren't too bad, I have mine this week. woo...


lydia said...

wah...procrastinating from reading development crap... so i clicked on the sunshine beside your msn name and looked around.......and found this. lol.

hpoe those rollercoasters were good. (did i even ask about the trip yet?) oh well...we have time to chat (on paper) during those uber boring panel presentations