I had a dream I was at work, opening the doors for the sea of Old people who were swarming out of the theatre as I was moving toward it to open the doors and turn on the lights. I went to get the light switch as I lost all control of my legs and lay useless on the ground, unable to stand up or move around... It sucked.
I looked it up and got this out of it:
To dream that you legs are wounded or crippled, signifies a lack of balance, autonomy, or independence in your life. You may be unable or unwilling to stand up for yourself. Perhaps you are lacking courage and refuse to make a stand.
I don't know what it is I need to make a stand about, seems to me I'm always making stands about this or that. Didn't help that later on in the night I dreamed Mike was being a complete ass to me in a hockey arena. I kept having to make him pay attention to me. At the same time, we lost Milton's pet lizard and dog. (He um... doesn't actually own any of these animals, but they both got lose in my dream apparently)
It was fucked.
Ok, more interpretations:
To see your boyfriend in your dream, represents your waking relationship with him and how you feel about him.
To see your friends in your dream, signifies aspects of your personality that you have rejected, but are ready to integrate these rejected part of yourself. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. Additionally, this symbol foretells of happy tidings from them and the arrival of good news.
To see or dream that you are in an arena, indicates that you need to be in an environment where you can freely express yourself. You need a stage or platform for yourself expression. Alternatively, the dream may indicate that there is some issue or problem that needs to be brought into the open.
To see a lizard in your dream, signifies your primal instincts and reactions toward sex, food, etc. and your anxieties toward these feelings. The lizard can also be representative of a person who you view as cold-blooded, fearful, or thick-skinned. On a more positive note, the lizard also symbolizes emerging creativity, renewal, and revitalization. It may also suggest that you are well-grounded.
To see a dog in your dream, indicate a skill that you have ignored or forgotten, but needs to be activated. Alternatively, dogs may symbolize intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. Your own values and intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed.
To dream that you are playing or watching hockey, symbolizes the achieving and protecting of your goals. It suggests that you may be be dealt with a lot of hard blows in your life.
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