Saturday, February 03, 2007


I knew on New Year's Eve, when Mike cashed in at the Fallsview Casino that this was going to be a lucky year for him. Yesterday was no exception.

These tickets for the Hip concert were a gift for Mike's upcoming birthday. Our seats for the concert at Scotiabank Place were really decent. Front row in the stands. Section 117 Row A. Like I said, pretty decent. Not on the ground level, which I would have liked, but still, they were pretty much the next best thing - they were better, even, than a big portion of the floor seats, anyway.

So we were sitting there, kinda buzzed, waiting for the Hip to begin their set after the Constantines finished up with theirs. Literally seconds before Gord and the gang stepped onto the stage this random guy walks up to Mike, hands him these tickets and says: "Here man, tickets for you and the lady."

So the screams commence as the Hip open with their newest hit, while Mike and I scrounge though our shit to find our cell phones, tryin' to check to see if these tickets were legit, and better yet, if they were closer to the stage than ours.

Were they ever.

This random guy had given Mike two tickets for ground seats, 6th row from the Stage. Seriously, fuckin' awesome seats. The guy who gave us the tickets was still at his seat with his group of friends or whatever just rockin' out, while the lady tries to figure out what the hell is going on and why the row seems so full. But whatever, two kids get kicked out; a guy for smoking and a girl for standing on the seat, while Mike and I take it easy and enjoy the rest of the show from these phenomenal seats.

It was f*@#in' AWESOME!

Cheers to whoever came up with the ol' "sneak your friends into the movie theatre" trick. Cuz it paid off for us yesterday!

Thanks, random guy who gave us your awesomely more expensive than our tickets!

And way to go Mike for being a good luck charm.

What a great night!!

For anyone who cares, this was the set list. We got to our new-awesome-tastic seats probably right as they started Grace, Too.

01: The Lonely End of the Rink
02: New Orleans is Sinking
03: Grace, Too
04: Bobcaygeon
05: Family Band
06: Ahead By A Century
07: In View
08: Poets
09: Fiddler’s Green
10: World Container
11: Springtime in Vienna
12: At the Hundredth Meridian
13: Long Time Running
14: The Kids Don’t Get It
15: Fully Completely
16: Wheat Kings
17: Yer Not The Ocean
18: 3 Pistols
19: Blow at High Dough

20: The Drop-Off
21: COVER: “Like A Rolling Stone” by Bob Dylan
22: Little Bones

What a great show!

<--- Pic taken w/ Mike's camera phone. My stupid camera ran out of batteries. Still, pretty sweet pic for a camera phone.

Note the proximity to the stage. When one considers where we were supposed to sit, this is significantly more cool and exciting.


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