Tuesday, November 07, 2006


What with the infestation on the terrace at the Rideau Centre, I thought it'd be appropriate to inform everyone that Flushed Away was a SPLENDID movie. It was, in fact, almost too cute! I almost want to rescue a few slugs and keep them as pets just for some occasional background music.

(This pic is from when Hugh Jackman realizes that wasn't rice he was cooking with... and the slugs are telling him what the rice really was. Again, so funny, and too cute.) Look at those cute little SLUGS!!!!!

More good news about movies. I found out Rideau's getting Borat on Friday. Which means that a) we're gonna have a screening for employees: (Flippin' SWEET!) and b) we're gonna be stupidly busy over the weekend, but it'll be well worth it!



Anonymous said...

Mom sent me your Hallowe'en pic as Jaynewizzle, and the fairy M1L-T0N, dude you had the look down pat! And Milty look well fairy-like.
Go to fivespics.bebo.com to see the costumes we had a going on in Edinburgh towne.

Anonymous said...

oh man, this is one of those moments i really wish i was a still a playa

Brie said...


We've got something similar to bebo over here called Facebook. It's pretty cool and addictive as crack. Took me a long time to get the Janeway hair. There's a sock in it to make the front part stay. Your costumes were nead. Milton was thinking about being a hobbit next year. I'll direct him to your pic for costume ideas. btw, he was Mr. Tumnus, the fawn, from the Chronicles of Narnia.