Holy Shit.
Today, (well, actually yesterday, I typed this up last night, but then blogger was down or not working or I was impatient or something... anyway...) I've finally completed my third year of university, and not a moment too soon. Any longer and I probably would have shot myself in the foot to get out of class.
Anyway, the folks are here for the weekend and the sis., so it's been good times. Went to St. Hubert for the first time ever to see Bon Cop Bad Cop, which was hillarious. Except the non-french boys might have had a bit of time understanding half the movie that wasn't subtitled. Guess they'll have to see it again when it's released in Ontario. Anyway, flick was awesome. I highly recommend it, more particularly if you share some understanding of the Quebec/Ontario squabbles. If you're from Ottawa, I'm definitely sure you know what it's all about.

Talladega Nights was pretty hillarious as well. Nothing like Anchorman's rank on the scale of hillarity, but still pretty good. Maybe if I had had the slightest interest in car racing, I migth have enjoyed it a bit more... However... Ali G did a pretty awesome job, and the trailers for upcoming flicks gave much to look forward to in the Fall and Winter and as such, I guess I'm tied to the cinema and my ticket-slaving for at least another little while.

Saw V for Vendetta again with the sis. today, and despite my extreme fatigue from a long day and the stress of handing in my last essay until next winter, it was still awesome! I can't get over that last fight scene, it blows my mind. Those brothers can make some pretty amazing computer generated ass-kicking.

Anyway, looking forward to a picnic during the day and a hopefully enjoyable and not burdensome baseball game tomorrow night. But most of all, enjoying the fact that I won't be back in class for at least another four months.
i want to go see bon cop good cop. don't think it will be shown much in toronto though....buggers.
which means i might have to catch it on DVD when it comes out.
and i totally agree with you....thank you lord jesus for no more school until the winter.
btw...saw haysom on my way to your office yesterday lol. forgot to tell ya. but it wasn't as important as thanking you for the barnyard posters.
i meant bon cop bad cop.
hurrah, congrats. wish i could say the same, but ti'll all be over in jan
I honestly don't know how you guys do it, studying through the summer like that. Chapeau for that and for finishing successfully!
I second your recommendation of Bon Cop, Bad Cop and to the poster inquiring about its availability in English Canada, I heard that it was to be released nation-wide on the 18th. I could be wrong.
LMAO @ Baby Lord Jesus.
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