Sunday, March 05, 2006

Oh Oscar, you never fail to disappoint...

Just a quick post, because I feel like I've been left high and dry by a man called Oscar.
I mean Crash?? Seriously? It was okay . . but I didn't even think it was nomination-worthy...
I'm fine with EVERYTHING else that happened, (way to go Reese, Rachel, Phillip & George,) I even dealt with the mediocrity of John Stewart's performance and the idiocy of Ben Stiller's appearance because I figured maybe this year, they might get it right. (and hey, even Zach Braff was there... granted he took the form of a computer-animated chicken, but still...)
But Crash?
Come on, I mean, you saw that movie right?
I knew the "Academy" and the country from which it stems wasn't ready for gay cowboys...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think the bigger question is what the hell was with the muzak playing even as someone just started to speak. i mean, at least let them say something.
just a work avoiding, procratinating thought