Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Nothing to complain about

I don't know why I haven't had anything to blog about lately. Something must be wrong with me. I mean, normally I can find something to complain about. . . ANYTHING. . .

like, bad dreams about weird butterfly-like insects ripping off the flesh of my forehead,

or at LEAST the weather, but last week the weather was great... not like tonight where I was forewarned by the weather network that I'd be walking home this evening with ICE PELLETS falling on my head. Gee, that was comfortable.

Maybe it's the 3 hour Tuesday lecture I should complain about, because other than that, Tuesdays are pretty good in my books, because, no matter how long or shitty the day at work was (which it wasn't, because I enjoy my job (so far)) or how long the lecture is, and how annoying those 3 kids in class who never shut up are, or how painful the ice pellets falling on my head are, there are always two truly amazing people waiting for me to get back to the apartment.

That's right...

Rick Mercer and Zach Braff.


(WHAT? You didn't think I was going to say Mike and Moses did you? What are you? CRAZY?)

Anyway, one new Mercer report + 2 new Scrubs = a Happy girl.

And speaking of happy girls, I'm going to be one of them again tomorrow upon the arrival of the Polish prince who, for years has been promising to come visit to Ottawa provided I went and visited Hamilton. Well guess what Pawel, I ain't going to Hamilton!! (because it's smelly!) Moohoohahahahhahahaha. I win!! *More evil laughter*

Anyway, I'm pretty exhausted, so I hope this post will hold me over for the next... well, until I think of something clever to say. It's funny how those things become harder to think about when you're working a 9-5 not-so-creative-but-still-mentally-demanding-PublicServantJEORB.

Right. Tah.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have something to complain about -- because you've not posted in a while I have nothing to distract myself with ... so instead I have to actually work! The nerve of some people...

Just kidding! Love you *said in a Peter Griffin voice*